Do you love someone if you cheat on them

Can Someone Cheat and Still Love You?

Infidelity is a complex issue that many couples face at some point in their relationships. The act of cheating often leaves the betrayed partner wondering — is it possible for someone to be unfaithful and still genuinely love their spouse or partner?  But can someone cheat and still love you? This article explores the different …

is cheating emotional abuse

Is Cheating Emotional Abuse and How to Understand that You Are a Victim?

Being cheated on can be an emotionally traumatic experience that profoundly impacts one’s self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. If you ask if it is cheating or emotional abuse, we can say “Yes”. The betrayal of trust in an intimate relationship often constitutes a form of emotional abuse that can leave the betrayed partner feeling …

Narcissist Cheating Patterns: From Idealization to Discarding

Narcissism is a complex personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a need for excessive admiration. So, it is not a surprise that there are a lot of narcissist cheating patterns. Individuals high in narcissistic traits tend to behave in self-centered ways and have a superb view of …

my fiance is cheating on me

My Fiance Is Cheating On Me? How to Tell and What to Do

Finding out your partner has cheated can rock your world, especially in a long-distance relationship where trust and intimacy already face significant challenges. Cheating before a wedding is horrible! You may notice subtle changes in their communication, secrecy around their activities, and an emotional distance growing between you.  While confronting possible infidelity is painful, identifying …

long distance relationship cheating

Long Distance Relationship Cheating: How to Spot the Warning Signs

Maintaining healthy trust and intimacy from afar is one of the most significant challenges. And despite this, it is not a secret that sometimes we hear about long-distance relationship cheating. Why? When physical proximity and regular contact diminish, fears of cheating or abandonment can sadly become a genuine concern for some couples. However, there are …


Explore the Most Recent Infidelity Statistics

Infidelity has become an increasingly visible issue in modern relationships and marriages. It continues to be a leading cause of divorce and emotional strife for couples across demographics. Understanding the intricacies of why people cheat, how many people cheat on their spouse, how to spot warning signs, and strategies for potentially overcoming infidelity is of …

sad woman sitting at the edge of the bed

What is Considered Cheating? A Deep Dive To Understanding

Cheating in a relationship is more common than most couples would like to admit. Different people may have different ideas of what constitutes cheating, but in general, cheating refers to any romantic or sexual behavior with someone else outside of the primary relationship. Cheating damages trust between partners and can deeply hurt a relationship. Understanding …